Sunday, 6 April 2008 every sense of the word

I just watched Fitna. I know,I know, *tsk*tsk* I’m a bit behind the times and the hype about this movie by Wilder might have already actually died down. However, the upside down smile on my face has only deepened.

I am the last person that you can or should call a devout Muslim. My sins are many and bluntly put, my days in hell are not only confirmed but definitely infinite if counted in terms of the human calendar. However, despite my sin filled ways, I do know that the Quran does not encourage violence in any way.

Anyway, in Bahasa Malaysia (the Malaysian language), Fitna is spelled with a ‘h’ – Fitnah, and means false vindictive rumours, to harm a person or those closest to them.
Whilst browsing other blogs, I was lucky enough to come across that of Ihsan Attar’s ‘My Thoughts and Notes’ - Here, he explains that in Arabic, Fitna means “Creating division and hatred leading to commotion”. Sweeet huh? That means in both Bahasa Malaysia and Arabic, fitna means bad news - literally!

So folks, all the way from snowy London (yep, its friggin snowing in April!) I beg that you please take some time to read Ihsan’s take on the movie as my knowledge of the Arabic language and that of the holy Quran is very limited, which would make my clarification less eloquent.

Ihsan's post helped me understand what has been gravely misinterpreted and falsely depicted in Fitna. Hopefully, by linking his post, it will also help others out there to see and understand what Wilder might have edited and exaggerated to piece together his movie.

Allow me to end this post with Ihsan’s words, ‘I believe that faith does not need to be defended. The aim of my post is not to defend, but rather to clarify.’

I could not agree more!


FairyGodmother said...

pundex betui lah these people.

buba kalau we make a movie about their religion...mesti mengamok!

Nadiah Azli said...

kalau macam tu, kita sama je tak centre mcm diorang..
insya allah la jgn jadi mcm diorang..