I will definitely miss my wonderful family, my dear friends as well as the glorious food. There is definitely no other place in the whole wide world that I'd rather be right now, than back home with my Mummy, Daddy, beautiful sisters and darling brother...or with my friends at the mamak nearby to eat some roti pisang with teh tarik for sahur. Home is defintely where the heart is for me right now...
'Happy Berposa' everyone and Salam Ramadhan Mubarak from this Malaysian Minx in London.
**image taken from http://stuckincustoms.com/index.php
Yeah babe...I'm missing you even more...
Means no boka posa with you in Muhibbah this year..
Happy Ramadan, Ija. I had the opportunity to fast in "perantauan" when I was sent to London to be the NST correspondent. This was in 92 and 93. Ramadan happened in summer, if my memory serves me right. The days were long and hot, the Muslims in Bosnia were being massacred, and Malaysia, a loud and strong voice in the world then, was trying to do something about it.
And I blew it!
So don't lose the opportunity to fast in your perantauan. Don't blew it.
Belayar jauh menyeberang lautan
Kapal berlabuh muatan dagangan
Yang jauh tetap dalam ingatan
Yang dekat pula dilupa jangan.
Ramadhan Mubarak banyakkan amalan
Buang yang kotor ambil yang bersih
Di akhirat nanti tidak kesalan
Iman dan Taqwa jadi penyisih.
Look on the bright side. You'll never get caught by the religious authorities if you ever so decide to have a Big Mac at noon in a crowded McDonald's. Tee hee...
Hi Ija,
So how's life in London? It's been awhile since I last saw you. Selamat berpuasa! Are you coming back to celebrate Raya in Malaysia or are you celebrating Raya in London? If you are coming back here, please do come and visit Hawa, my son Aqil and I.
aka Ben from the Ulutopian blog
hello sis,
its been a while (duh, like 10 years..) since our last high school days..
salam ramadhan.
you still as pretty as ever.
hugs and kisses
x-ypm junior
We miss having you for buka too! Mummy seems to wonder a lot on what you have for buka. Takut sgt anak dia tak makan.
fairygodmother: i know, i so nak makan mi kat muhibbah with u.. :(
rocky sir: thanks, will take ur advice :)
iky: lol, thanks for giving me ideas
ben: am not coming backla this year, but will surely meet up with ur beautiful wife, adorable son and urself wen i do come home
my darling sister: tell mummy dearest that i pig out on chocolate digestives and every other type of biscuit available!
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