Thursday 27 September 2007

Glimmer of hope

I wasn't there, but it is evident in many of the blogs (Rocky's Bru, Nuraina A Samad's 3540 Jalan Sudin, Shanghai Fish's The Penguins Walk ...!!!Tony Yew's Justice! We Want Justice!, Jules' Today I "behave like the Opposition", Jeff Ooi's 53 pictures, Patrick Teoh's A Walk for Justice, Polytikus' I Marched - All 8km of it!, Zorro's Today I salute our Malaysian lawyers), that there are a few thousand anak bangsa Malaysia who are willing to walk the talk for a better Malaysia. It is a glimmer of hope for those who. like me, still believe that change is possible.

I have renewed pride in wearing the Malaysian badge and hope with all my heart that changes are not too far away. Hopefully, our government will pause and listen to this plea for justice and consider taking to the dance floor and start swaying towards the inevitable rythmn of change. If it really is for the betterment of anak bangsa malaysia, then why not?

So my friends, lets put on our shoes and start practicing our new groove moves, just in case we have a new wave of music playing in the not so distant future.

(Please also click HERE to take a look at the Petition to His Majesty the Yang DiPertuan Agong by the People's Parliament, so that we may continue this March for Justice).

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